◆ Machine Learning Engineer ◆



Med Log WebSite:

This website helps to track the medicine intake of the user. Has profiles so that a users relative or a doctor could search the user and know what medicines his been using. A fully functional Login and Registration Page for the users personal data. Used HTML, CSS and Django for the project

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Toxic Text Detection:

A website that can detect between toxic and non toxic text. It uses Deep Learning LSTMs model in the backend to classify the text. With this as a API we can prevent toxic texts that might harm people.

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Autonomous Forest Surveillance Safety System:

A autonomous surveillance system which uses object detection to detect humans and animals. A controller app that visualises the data and also controls the module.

Publised: Al Yamamah University

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Autonomous RC Car:

A scale down version of a self driving car system achieved by using OpenCV and Python. This helps the RC car to perform basic autonomous functions such as start and stop by the help of sensors and Raspberry Pi.

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Finding Donors(Capstone Project):

To create a model that predicts if a person can donate to a charity organisation with the data provided. Uses algorithms like Random Forest,Support Vector Machines and Naive Bayes.

Site: Udacity(ML Nano Degree Basic)

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Customer Segments (Capstone Project):

We will analyze a dataset containing data on various customers' annual spending amounts (reported in monetary units) of diverse product categories for internal structure. One goal of this project is to best describe the variation in the different types of customers that a wholesale distributor interacts with.

Site: Udacity(ML Nano Degree Basic)

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RPS (Android):

A android rock, paper and scissors app that uses pattern recognition to guess the players pattern and choose a counter move.

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Check App (Android):

A android app done when in college that uses List view to store items such as groceries, homework and a to-do list. This can be shared through all the other apps in the form of a message.

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Kaggle:Personalized Cancer diagnosis:

There are nine different classes a genetic mutation can be classified on. From the given data we build a model that could classify 9 cancer types.

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